domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Agustín Arturo Prat Chacon Chilean hero

Agustín Arturo Prat Chacon, April 3, 1848 - Iquique, May 21, 1879) was a marine, military and Chilean lawyer.

Participated in the War against Spain, which took part in several battles, including the battle of Papudo in 1865, which was captured the schooner Covadonga, and the Pacific War, where he commanded the Emerald in the naval battle of Iquique, in who died. Chile is considered peak naval hero.

On May 21, 1879, at 6:30 in the morning, the fog cleared, the watchman of the "Covadonga" gave notice of the presence of other ships with the cry "north Smoke". Due to the low fog could not identify newcomers and for a moment thought that he had returned the Chilean navy. Later, at 6:45 am, a sailor managed Covadonga clearly observe the masts of ships and recognized as Peruvians. Given this information, Condell ordered to give a warning shot to the Emerald anchored in port.
At that time the Peruvian Admiral Miguel Grau harangue by megaphone to his crew:
-Crew of Huascar, we are in view of Iquique, there are our stricken countrymen of Tarapaca and there is the enemy, still unpunished.It's time to punish him!, Hopefully you will know to do. "
Carlos Condell de la Haza warned Prat and he, seeing the potential difference between them and their enemy, gave to his comrades his famous harangue:

"Men, the uneven! Never been lowered our flag to the enemy, then I hope that this is not the chance. While I'm alive, that flag will fly in place, and I assure you that if I die, my officers know their duty. Chile live!.

Arturo Prat's death transformed him into a symbol of the Chilean nation in its death struggle with his enemies. He was admired for his exploits but not to represent the values ​​of dedication and self sacrifice.
After the end of the war his image was less revered, but resurfaced strongly during the parliamentary period. Facing corruption of the political system, the figure of Prat acquired new piping, civil and personifying virtues of duty, rather than military values​​. He became "the embodiment of a dynamic leadership and spiritual superiority: the man who brought fame to Chile, the warrior who had equaled the feats of the ancient Greeks. For a nation where venality abounded, where a small clique devalued the country's currency and corrupted electoral system, Prat represent the embodiment of civic virtue, a man so dedicated to his duties that no personal reason prevented him from carrying out his duties civic. "
With the passage of time came to symbolize Prat nacional. unit May 21 is a holiday in Chile since 1926 and also became the date of the Annual Account of the President of the Republic before the full Congress.
It was once said that the Japanese Naval Academy there were three busts of Horatio Nelson, Arturo Prat Chacon and Heihachirō Tōgō. However, this has not been proven conclusively. There are no images of these three busts together at the Naval Academy japonesa. What does seem certain is that a bust of Prat would have been brought to Japan from Chile in 1966 and placed in a Shinto shrine next to Admiral Tōgō.
It is the only non-Japanese captain honored by Nippon 日本 海军 Kaigun (Imperial Japanese Navy), and in honor of him, the battle slogan Mikuma Heavy Cruiser (Mogami class) was 大 日本 帝国 海军 (Gloria and Victoria).

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

my favorite movie

The story presents an unexpected romance in a unique and compelling. Jacob Jankowski, a veterinary student, meets and falls in love with Marlena, a star of Circus of the bygone era, were discovered amid the beauty of the world of carp and come together through their compassion for a special elephant. Against all odds, including the wrath of August, the charismatic but dangerous husband of Marlena, Jacob and Marlena find their love for life.

The film begins in 2003 , with old Jacob ( of 94 years ) going to visit a circus , but comes in the night and the circus is closed. Then , he starts talking with the owner of the circus, and tells the story of his life. In 1931 , during the Great Depression, he was a 23- year-old who studied veterinary medicine at Cornell University in the United States. Just the day was to give his final exam , will report that their parents have died in a car accident . He then learns that his parents had no money , I had invested everything (even the house in which they lived ) in their education. Since he was not working , you should drop everything and go , I had nothing else to do there . Jacob walks every day , until one night he jumped on a train passing by , was the Benzini Brothers circus train . Through his studies , in the circus, does exert a small job as a veterinarian. Jacob was hired by the circus owner , August, whose wife was Marlena Rosenbluth , the Amazon 's main circus show . She loved animals . When the circus began to be popular with the money they earned , they bought an elephant for 53 years . Jacob touches him train but when August ignore it knocks him badly wounded and bleeding. When Jacob trains the elephant spends time with Marlena , which gradually makes a romance between them arises . They fight against the cruel August for his love , because he refuses to give in to Marlena .

Overall the film speaks about how difficult it can become life, with their impossible love and its unexpected turns , also making an allusion to the mistreatment of animals . Through the example of the young Jacob , who manages to overcome the tragedy of death of their parents, fight for his love and rid Rose, the elephant , the horrible treatment of August , we show that if something you want with all my heart and work hard to achieve it anything is possible .

The movie I like because it shows the level of overcoming that can have a person that if you work hard it gets, or rather no glory without sacrifice.

shows the sensitivity of the characters in the movie, how can you feel compassion for an animal as beautiful as an elephant, as love can reach the most inside each heart and can overcome anything.

by showing how difficult their lives were and how they could achieve superarce by love.

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

"HOMESHARE" My new home and my new family.

Although the house is not very big, it is very comfortable, is located in the center of the city of santa barbara, which makes me able to move everywhere and I have left all very close such as EF language school.
The house is very comfortable, I live with 7 men and 8 women, all very sympathetic and the atmosphere in the house is very pleasing.

we have a very large yard, the house has two floors, where they divide the men from the women, the women on the first floor and men on the second floor.
the dining room is very large, so we have to be able to sit all the time for dinner or breakfast.

too large the living room because there we all got together to study and also to watch TV together.

It is a pleasure to be here helping to wonder not so much our country of origin and also to our families.


Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and governs those born between 23 November and 22 December. This sign is of optimists, the positive, the enthusiastic, Sagittarius is simple and affable nature is a sign of trust and benevolence, noble ideals as encouraging you, they seek the deeper meaning of the first cosas.anza and has a strong libido that goes straight to the action.

In a genre of Sagittarius man, what makes you extroverted, dynamic, action. Is one that takes initiative, is brave, bold and fearless. Sagittarius wherever it goes, it is noted, for being male is expansive and sociable.

Sagittarius Men and Fire, it is also vital, energetic, passionate, optimistic, straightforward, impulsive and could even be violent. Being Male, Sagittarius is a sign of positive polarity, is one that is launched first and has a strong libido that goes straight to the action.


he is arturo vidal, a football player, is well known in the world and playing in one of the most famous teams in the world, this team is juventus Italy.

We can see in this cartoon that reflects well arturo vidal, is its distinctive haircut, making it met in Chile as celia punk.
We can see also his distinctive smile which does not remove his face ever with their white teeth and his eyebrows always arranged, he is occupying the Chilean selection team football which is the number 8 that reprecenta proudly in the rest of the world.

he is claudio bravo, player and goalkeeper of the Chilean football selection, we observed nowadays in his cartoon eyebrows down, which makes it look always tired, his hair cut in the form of open book, and mouth-shape, O, he is occupying the genet of captain on his arm, which means it is the guide and leader of the team, took the dress of your computer that is a yellow phosphor, which always tries to do claudio bravo.

alexis sanchez he is known in the world as the boy wonder, is furbol player in one of the most famous teams in the world which is the Barcelona of Spain, we can see how good he is red team as the flag Chile, we see in his haircut has always cut some fashion, which is not now updated in the cartoon, we can see his smile that always characterized by being someone very happy, along with their teeth very well groomed and very white, his eyes are in tune with your smile, as they are slightly smaller than normal.
Alexis sanches this ranking Chilean uniform selection, which is red with blue colors of the Chilean flag.